Would you like to help improve the experiences of LGBT+ staff at the University? We currently have vacancies on the LGBT+ staff network committee for the following positions:
- Network co-chair
- BME representative
I am stepping down from the role of co-chair after three years and can thoroughly recommend it. Helping to run the network is an enjoyable and rewarding way to improve things for LGBT+ staff at the University. We have a strong group of volunteers on the committee but have two vacancies to join them.
All committee members are volunteers from across the University. In many ways a committee role is what you make of it – everyone brings something different to it.
If you’re curious and would like to learn more before you decide, please contact one of the two current co-chairs, Nick Skelton or Suzanne Doyle and either of us would be happy to have a chat.
If you’d like to nominate yourself for one of the roles, please just email Nick or Suzanne by the end of Wednesday 30th January.
Nick Skelton, co-chair of the staff LGBT+ network January 2016 – January 2019
University of Bristol at the Bristol Pride Awards
The University has a regular attendance at Bristol Pride, and each year we’ve made it bigger and better than ever. This was recognised on Saturday at the Pride Gala Ball, when we won an Award for the best Expo Stall at Pride!
Congratulations to Ellen, Simon, Basu and the huge group of students and staff who helped and supported the Pride stall and procession this year.
Roll on Pride 2019!