The Staff LGBT+ Network won the ‘Business Award for LGBT+’ at the Bristol Diversity Awards on Saturday 18th May.
LGBT+ Staff Committee member Amelia Pereira attended the awards with members of the LGBT+ Staff Network for an evening of food, entertainment and over 30 awards. Upon receiving our award, the hosts had this to say about the Network:
‘The University of Bristol LGBT+ Staff Network lead by Suzanne Doyle and Nick Skelton have turned the Network into a visible, social, engaging and active network, having created a committee of ten. The University now sponsor Pride, support LGBT+ History Month, have made policies more inclusive, ran all aspects of EDI training, and the Staff Network on the Registrars award for Diversity, Best Employer and Best Stall at the Bristol Pride Awards. Congratulations, University of Bristol LGBT+ Staff Network!’
It was a lovely evening and obviously incredibly diverse, there were over 250 attendees, most of whom were wearing traditional dress from a massive array of cultures and backgrounds. The food was excellent, the event ran really well and the entertainment (RSVP, a live Bhangra band) was fantastic.
It was great to see so many businesses and city folk at the event from all corners of Bristol and this was championed by the Lord Mayors speech at the end of the night about our diverse, inclusive, proactive, vibrant and beautiful city.