Would you like to help improve the experiences of LGBT+ staff at the University? We currently have vacancies on the LGBT+ staff network committee for the following positions:
- Network co-chair
- BME representative
I am stepping down from the role of co-chair after three years and can thoroughly recommend it. Helping to run the network is an enjoyable and rewarding way to improve things for LGBT+ staff at the University. We have a strong group of volunteers on the committee but have two vacancies to join them.
All committee members are volunteers from across the University. In many ways a committee role is what you make of it – everyone brings something different to it.
If you’re curious and would like to learn more before you decide, please contact one of the two current co-chairs, Nick Skelton or Suzanne Doyle and either of us would be happy to have a chat.
If you’d like to nominate yourself for one of the roles, please just email Nick or Suzanne by the end of Wednesday 30th January.
Nick Skelton, co-chair of the staff LGBT+ network January 2016 – January 2019